Elisabetta Pozzetti
Elisabetta Pozzetti was born just
over 30 years ago
in a late November drowsy, rainy morning.
She is welcomed by the mists of the Reggio Emilia plains,
so dear to Fellini, the land of Peppone
and Don Camillo, Zavattini and Ligabue.
Grows up in a house of artists, amongst cats, books, paintings
and antiques. Undecided between Veterinary Science and
Preservation of Cultural Property, opts for the latter
completed by four years of restoration studies. After graduation,
she works
at the Centre for Communication Studies and Archive of
Parma University, where she had the extraordinary chance
to work on twentieth-century artworks, often overrated
in textbooks.
Postgraduate studies include Economy and Management of
Museums at Ferrara University and Historic and Artistic
Patrimony at Bologna University.
While active as consultant on preservation and restoration,
between 200 and 2004 is in charge
of organization for the cultural institute “Casa
in Ferrara, curating more than 40 contemporary
art exhibitions.
She worked as project manager at the International Centre
for Art and Culture of Palazzo Te
for the exhibitions Semeghini and Chiarismo
between Milan and Mantua and Mantegna in Mantua 1460-1506,
held in Mantua in 2006.
In 2007 she is scientific and organization coordinator
in exhibitions such as Arti Contemporanee
(Palazzo Beccaguti Cavriani, Mantua) and Rodin
et Claudel. Création et matière (Étroubles,
in co-operation with Foundation Pierre Gianadda, Martigny).
Employed part-time at the Superintendence for Artistic
and Historical Heritage of Brescia, Cremona and Mantua,
she also operates within the organizational secretariat
of art exhibitions (among the most recent: Andrea Mantegna
e i Gonzaga: Rinascimento nel Castello
di San Giorgio; Lucio Fontana Scultore; Pier Jacopo Alari
Bonacolsi detto l’Antico. Uno scultore nella Mantova
di Mantegna e Isabella d’Este).
Since 2001 she is active as art critic, curating exhibition
projects and cultural activities both in Italy and abroad,
for public institutions (among which
the Civic Museums of Reggio Emilia; “Il Correggio” Museum;
Palazzo Piccolomini in Pienza; “A. Bonzagni” Museum
in Cento, Palazzo Te and Palazzo
della Ragione in Mantua; Masedu Museum in Sassari; Castle
of San Michele in Cagliari; Castle of Fiorano; Castle of
Ferrara; Porta Decumana of the Valle d’Aosta Region;
Casa dell’Ariosto in Ferrara)
as well as private locations (among which
the “Centro Dionysia” Foundation of Villa Piccolomini
in Rome; Villa Vecelli Cavriani Foundation
in Mozzecane, Verona; Art Collections
of the Cassa di Risparmio di Bologna Foundation; Galleria
Scaletta in Matera; Bargellini Museum
in Pieve di Cento). In 2005 she opened in Étroubles
the international art park project À Étroubles
avant toi sont passées, in co-operation with
Swiss-based Foundation Gianadda.
More than a hundred scientific publications, among which:
Pirro Cuniberti. Donazione alla Pinacoteca di Pieve di
Cento (Minerva Edizioni, 2002); Alberto Givanni. Africa
oltre lo specchio (Minerva Edizioni, 2002); L’isolachenoncè.
Arte con la sindrome di Peter Pan (Publi Paolini Editore,
2003); De Nittis. A Léontine (Silvana Editoriale,
2004); Alberto Givanni. Boa Viagem. Reportage dal Mozambico
(Minerva Edizioni, 2004); México. Artisti contemporanei
(Editrice Compositori, 2004); Daniele Montis. Pienza, città ideale,
sospesa fra cielo e terra (Carlo Delfino Editore, 2004).
Miele, libro d’arte di Sara Rossi (tiratura limitata
a 600 esemplari, Editore Gli Ori, 2005); Sergio Zanni (Edizioni
Galleria Davico, 2005); À Étroubles, avant
toi sont passés ... (Arti grafiche E.Duc, 2005);
Alberto Givanni. Kenya. Kibera. Bambini di strada (Casa
Editrice XXVII, 2005);
Generazione Anni Quaranta (Edizioni Bora, 2005); Rodin
et Claudel. Création et matière and Italo
Bolano. Espressionismo blu (Arti grafiche E.Duc, 2007);
Arti Contemporanee. Günter Umberg, Elisabeth Vary,
Pietro Coletta, Carlo Bonfà (Publi Paolini Editore,
2007); Trasmutazioni liriche. Opere
di Fabbriano (Casa Editrice XXVII, 2008);
Bonacolsi l’Antico - exhibition guide (Electa, 2008).
She was also editorial coordinator for publications such
as Semeghini e il Chiarismo fra Milano
e Mantova (Silvana Editoriale, 2006); Masterpieces from
the World Museums in the Hermitage
(Skira editore, 2006); Mantegna a Mantova 1460-1506 (Skira
editore, 2006) and scientific coordinator of Indagando
Mantegna (Publi Paolini Editore, 2007).
In 2008 has worked as copy editor and graphic designer
for Herbarium-Intertrade Europe, world leading company
in the sector of Artistic Perfumery
with exclusive brands of "Haute Parfumerie".
After being lecturer in Preservation and Valorization
of Contemporary Art within the specialistic degree course
in "Preservation and diagnostics of modern and contemporary
art" at Ferrara University,
she is now lecturer in Art History within the degree course
in "Fashion Design" at the International Telematic
University, Milan.
Member of the Italian Journalist Guild, has contributed
to the newspaper L'Osservatore Romano (2002-2005) and writes
today on specialized magazines such as Arte In, Juliet,
and Il Curioso.